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Failure is the foundation of success

Through their progression, all mushrooms growers are bound to discover the most aromatic failures. In order to keep the mold behind, Fongivore offers a practical guide about effective mycelium culture. Free and licensed under Creative Commons, it covers all necessary knowledge, from the theory to the construction of the appropriate equipement. Using these techniques, you'll be able to easily establish your production costs and generate volumes ranging from 25 to over 100 L of mycelium a day!

Whether is it about the food industry (alcohol, bakery, edibles, tempeh), agriculture (agroforestry, mycorrhiza), ecology (biodegradation, mycofiltration, mycoremediation)</wrap>, or in other areas (biopolymer, medecine), fungal potential is considerable.

As we know it, natural selection favored the organisms that were the most prone to help each others.1) Thus, the wiki is an ideal platform to share our progress in real time, and contribute together to the development of this potential.


Harvesting a mushroom is equivalent to picking a flower. What we see is only a modest extension of a wide network of underground mycelium, often linked to many plants. The mycelium is the vegetative part of the fungus. Like a worm-shaped spider web, it decomposes organic matter and develops through its immediate environment, which serves simultaneously as a shelter, food and support. Fungi share many similarities with animals. Like us, they breathe oxygen, exhale carbon dioxide, and are incapable of photosynthesis. They need an intermediate, plants, to use solar energy.

Among the most advanced modes of interaction, there are mutual associations, beneficial to both partners. Fungi often play this role in nature, it is estimated that more than 85% of plants use mycorrhizae2) (mycelium — roots association). The mycelium is composed of thin filaments called hyphae, so thin that a cubic centimeter of soil can contain more than 780 meters of it.3) These filaments become a dense extension of the root system and improves mineral assimilation, resistance to drought, diseases and other stresses.4)

Fungi are also important decomposers, remarkable allies permaculture, which ensure the transition of carbon from plants to the soil. At the end of their useful life, the parcels transform into an excellent compost, rich in enzymes.5) If they are properly maintained, some species may persist for many years. (Read more)


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